Nursing Services of UK

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Health and Safety Guide Winter 2024

Vaccinations: Protecting Yourself and Patients

As winter approaches, Nursing Services of the UK is here to help you stay healthy and protect those in your care. With rising risks of flu and COVID-19, healthcare workers must stay informed, practice good hygiene, and prioritise vaccinations.

Vaccination is crucial in reducing the risk of severe illness. By getting your flu and COVID-19 vaccines, you protect not just yourself, but your patients and fellow healthcare workers.

Already Vaccinated?

If you’ve received your flu or COVID-19 shots, notify us via the Staffshift App or our WhatsApp chat.

Are You Eligible for Flu and COVID-19 Vaccinations?

  • Are aged 65 or over (or turning 65 by 31 March 2025)

  • Have specific health conditions

  • Are pregnant

  • Work in frontline healthcare

  • Live in care homes

How to Get Vaccinated

Vaccination helps reduce the spread of infection, especially in high-risk healthcare environments. Ensure you’re protected this season!

High-Risk Categories

Some individuals are more vulnerable to severe illness from flu and COVID-19. If any of the following apply to you, please notify us so that we can provide additional support: 

  • Age: people over 60 

  • Underlying Health Conditions: including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or weakened immune systems 

  • Pregnancy: pregnant women face higher risks 

  • Obesity: a BMI of 30 or above increases risk

Infection Control: The Essentials

  • Always wear the appropriate PPE, according to your role and care setting. 

  • Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser frequently, especially when dealing with patients or equipment. 

  • Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, and dispose of tissues properly.

Reporting Health Concerns

Your health is essential for the safety of your patients and colleagues. Report any changes in your health, especially if you experience:

  • Respiratory symptoms such as a cough, fever, or shortness of breath 

  • Loss of taste or smell 

  • Any recent exposure to COVID-19 or other infectious diseases

By notifying us promptly, we can implement measures to minimise the risk of spreading infections. 

Next Steps

Please make sure to complete your health questionnaire to update your health status and upload your vaccination records through our secure portal or app.
Providing all supporting documents is essential.

Not sure how to upload your documents? Click here or chat with us via Staffshift live chat for help.

As we navigate the winter season, stay vigilant and adhere to any additional guidance provided by Nursing Services of the UK. Your ongoing commitment to the health and safety of your patients and colleagues is deeply appreciated, and together we can ensure a safe and healthy winter for everyone.